Sunday, November 4, 2012

Upcoming Events

This week we will be begin our Corporate Contribution contest. Save your  Campbell's Soup Labels, Box Tops, ALL Toner Cartridges, and old cell phones to turn in for YOUR Student's Contest & Help your School earn money! 1st Place winning class gets a pizza party. 2nd Place winning class gets a popsicle party - in EACH Grade Level. It will end Nov. 16th so start clipping!

Also, report cards will come home on Monday. Please cut and sign only the bottom portion and return this piece in the unsealed envelope. We'll reuse them each nine weeks so you do not have to lick and seal them. Then, we will have our award ceremony on Thurs. at 9:15 in the Dining Room... no more do your children get celebrated in the classroom! We can't wait to celebrate your child's successes!

 Hope you can attend.

1 comment:

  1. i love the silly poems for the cats and dogs poem its just like your cat and dog mabye.
